Amber Healy

Recent Stories

For the Love of Animals

From taking orders in a pizza shop to finding homes for thousands of animals, the Lost Dog and Cat Rescue Foundation has a great "tail" to tell.

In 2001, there were too many dogs without homes and too few people to help them.

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Lost Dog: Helping Save Lives, One Pet at a Time

Area residents explain their dedication to the Lost Dog and Cat Rescue Foundation.

Behind every adoption successfully completed by the Arlington-based Lost Dog and Cat Rescue Foundation, there's a volunteer with a happy heart.

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Ride of the Patriots

It's time for the annual Ride of the Patriots, a Memorial Day tradition in the City of Fairfax.

Odds are, residents of the City of Fairfax will hear them before they can see them. Each year, more than 4,000 motorcyclists descend on the city, gathering at Patriot Harley Davidson from across the country, coming together to share stories, compare notes from the road and honor those who have served the country.

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