South County Student Awarded Scholarship
Tyrone Simpson receives $5,000 from Northern Virginia Urban League.
The Northern Virginia Urban League awarded $50,000 in scholarships to local high school students at its annual Community Service and Scholarship Awards Dinner Friday, April 19. The organization, whose mission it is to enable disadvantaged youth to achieve economic and academic success, awarded one scholarship to South County Secondary School senior Tyrone Simpson.
Schools Using Diversity for Student Benefits
Immersion, ESOL programs aim to take advantage of area cultures.
As Fairfax County has experienced massive growth in its international population, its effects have spread to its educational institutions. Forty-four percent of the Fairfax County Public Schools students come from homes that speak a language other than English, which includes 160 different languages.
Fairfax Republicans Come Together for Election
What started as a night of hope for the Fairfax County Republican Committee ended on something of a sour note, as Republican presidential, senate and congressional candidates were not able to oust incumbents.

EnviroSolutions Awarded for Contributions
Waste disposal company recognized for support of Workhouse Arts Center.
The Arts Council of Fairfax County presented their Arts Philanthropy Award to EnvrioSolutions for its extensive financial suport of the Workhouse Arts Center in Lorton. EnviroSolutions committed approximately $750,000 in cash donations, more than $100,000 in in-kind donations and hundreds of staff hours.

Family of Four Found Dead in Herndon
Police make discovery during welfare check, believe husband killed family before turning gun on himself.
A Herndon family of four was found dead in their home on Point Rider Lane the morning of Tuesday, Sept. 25. Fairfax County Police responded after a co-worker of one of the family members reported that they had not been to work this week.

Keeping Tysons Corner Moving
Event provides updates on 495 Express Lanes, Dulles Metrorail.
In the next 15 months, Tysons Corner will see almost $5 billion in new transportation projects come online.

VDOT Unveils EZ-Pass Flex
New transponder will allow HOV access to 495 Express Lanes.
The Virginia Department of Transportation unveiled the EZ-Pass Flex Wednesday, July 25 in Tysons Corner. The new pass will allow users of the 495 Express Lanes, which are scheduled to open at the end of this year, to switch between tolled and toll-free (for vehicles with more than three people) use.

County Aims to Prevent Substance Use and Abuse
Alcohol use down, painkiller and inhalant use on the rise.
Twenty-one questions in the 2010 Fairfax County Youth Survey dealt with substance abuse. The survey asked about lifetime use of alcohol, marijuana and cigarettes, as well as use in the past month of 13 different substances.

Firefighters Honored for Lorton Rescue
The water was swiftly overtaking a Lorton intersection as deadly flash flooding devastated the region on Sept. 8, 2011. By the time first responders from Fire Station 24 arrived on the scene, multiple vehicles had been swept into the intersection by the force of the fast moving floodwaters.

First Responders Recognized
34th Annual Valor Awards presented to police officers, firefighters.
The Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce recognized 108 of the county’s first responders Wednesday, March 21 at the 24th annual Valor Awards. Members of the Fairfax County Police Department, Sheriff’s Office, Fire and Rescue Department, as well as from the Towns of Herndon and Vienna, were given awards.

County Takes Aim at Bullying
Survey helps county create bullying outreach, cyberbullying prevention.
Monitoring aggressive behavior is a primary concern of Fairfax County when conducting the annual Youth Survey. While fewer than 5 percent of students report gang activity or carrying a weapon, a majority of students have experienced bullying from one side or the other.
Risky Behavior by the Numbers
Youth Survey highlights risks, assets for students.
Periodically, Fairfax County conducts a youth survey which polls thousands of students to get a glimpse into issues of substance abuse, antisocial behaviors as well as factors such as mental health and civic engagements.

Panel Addresses College Drinking
Unified Prevention Coalition hosts event at McLean High School.
The Unified Prevention Coalition of Fairfax County and the McLean High School PTSA presented "Perils of the College Drinking Culture" Wednesday, Jan. 11. The program featured a panel of speakers who discussed the health and legal consequences of underage and binge drinking, as well as a short film.

Great Falls Looks Ahead to 2012
Great Falls Looks Ahead to 2012
Last year saw progress on several issues around Great Falls, issues that will affect residents for generations to come.

Fire Station Holds Onto History
Firefighters repair historic bell in front of station.
For more than 50 years, the original Great Falls fire station housed the men and women of the Great Falls Volunteer Fire Department.
Great Falls Honors Those Who Serve
Freedom Memorial hosts annual Memorial Day Ceremony.
Langley senior Matthew Goudreau knows all about being in a military family. His mother was in the Navy and his brother is currently serving in the Marines on the USS Enterprise. So when the Thomas a Beckett Youth Choir and Ensemble, of which Goudreau is a member, was asked to perform at the Great Falls Freedom Memorial for Memorial Day, he was more than willing.
Swimmers Take to Lake Audubon
Reston Masters Swim Team hosts 24th annual lake swim.
For 24 years, the Reston Masters Swim Team has hosted a lake swim Memorial Day weekend, 22 of them taking place at Lake Audubon. The event is one of the only times each year that swimming is allowed in the lake. Shirley Loftus-Charley has participated in every one of those swims, dating back to her time living in Reston. Despite her decades of experience, this year was a first for her.