Abigail Constantino

Editorial Assistant

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It Started with a Shoe

Local author publishes novel.

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Missiles and Guns in the Backyard and the School Parking Lot

Library series delve into the secrets of Fairfax County.

The first of three Forgotten Fairfax series debuted on Saturday, May 7 at the City of Fairfax Regional Library.

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Great Finds at the Burke Book Sale

The Burke Centre Library book sale had a steady trickle of customers despite the steady trickle of rain on Saturday, March 19.

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Lorton: More than a Game

In Lorton, Monopoly tournament tests skills against chance.

Almost 100 players gathered at the Woodbridge Moose Lodge 583 in Lorton on Saturday, Feb. 6 for the ninth year to play a friendly but serious game of Monopoly.

Burke, Lorton, Springfield: What is your New Year's resolution?

Area residents share their hopes for 2016

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